Mixed with the incidents of my past, to give it all a little flavor...we'll call it "Medium Heat".

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The primary medium throughout every point, which has been part of my life for as long as I can remember is customer service.

With the art of Customer Service we first have to see my point of view on what is a customer, sure it’s the person buying a good or service from you.  Really?  I guess I’ve never believed this, a customer to me is anyone that crosses your path when you’re breathing air, doesn’t matter where you are, you’ll never know when or how you’ll gain a new customer.  Even when you don’t see anyone, yes, even standing alone in the forest, you know the old saying, does a tree falling in the woods make a sound when no one is around?  You bet it does, just like when no one is at your business…customers are falling at your doorstep.  When you’re in business, whether it’s self employed or working for a large corporation or non-profit…and don’t forget working for the government, which should be our number one customer service provider, customers are everywhere, and you need to be aware of that.  Think about it, we are all customers; from the moment we take our first breathe.  Whether you were born in a hospital, taxi cab, home, etc…it doesn’t matter…someone was there to serve you.  Customer Service begins.

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