Mixed with the incidents of my past, to give it all a little flavor...we'll call it "Medium Heat".

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Are you rich?  What kind of question is that coming from a customer, sure I was 21 and the owner/operator of a small commercial print shop, but for this guy to come up and ask such a question, well I just thought it was a bit rude.  I mean what was it any of his business anyway and why did he care.  I was really starting to wonder, what is wrong with people?  I’d experienced those customers that come up stating they’re glad they were able to pay for the new equipment or recent remodel.  I especially remember one gentleman after putting a new garage door on my home/business stating, well I see I bought you a new garage door…I wanted to say…excuse me, but the little amount you spend with me each month doesn’t even come close to replacing that door, and you know very well that if I didn’t keep the place up you wouldn’t be stepping foot in my door.  This new guy however asking if I were rich?  Well I about lost it on him…he then asked if I were Mr. E.…oh, obviously I needed to calm down…he was asking if I were the original owner of our small business, "Richard", and not if I were financially well off.  My patience in the matter once again paid off, if I would have just blurted out…"who do you think you are asking me this kind of question?"…I would have come off quite arrogant.  Thankfully I'll write that off to the fact that I was a preemie, born a month early, spending that first month of life in an incubator.  Maybe it was there that I gained patience and listening skills that have become so valuable for trouble shooting and dealing with peoples needs. The sense to never give up could have been instilled during this time too. 

Listen to the customer, take the time to let what they're saying sink in before responding, it will benefit you both and lead you to a more prosperous venture, especially when you're young and inexperienced as I was.

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