Mixed with the incidents of my past, to give it all a little flavor...we'll call it "Medium Heat".

Thursday, November 1, 2012


A couple weeks back in church during the pastor's sermon he included a segment talking about our local MEGA-STORE...you know the one...starts with "W" makes you Wonder Why you ever Went? Obviously it distracted me enough to think about the reality of it all, that or God truly was working in mysterious ways.  He was commenting about all the checkout lines…that as he walked in they were all empty but as customers came up they suddenly opened up with checkers so that everyone was being served well, he asked his checker where she was before the rush, she said they all congregated over on the side waiting for multiple rushes of customers like this.  Ok, so as great as that story was, have any of you been to any of your local MEGA-STORES lately?  I have, and of the 20 checkout lines there were only 2 open…the express lane where you’re only suppose to have 10 or fewer items and a normal checkout lane.  These 2 lanes were packed full of customers with no choice…the thing that really kicked it was the people with shopping carts in the express lane that were packed full of items, and of course those just take more time to process because the counter at the express lane is only a small area, not to mention the bagging area, again holding up more people.  So what’s the point here?  Is it the pastor’s lie, ok that’s harsh, he was probably giving me the account of a vivid dream he had as he stood in the checkout lane...especially due to the amount of people in pajama pants.  Or is it an example of the poor customer service we will all have to put up with when the only place we can buy goods is a MEGA-STORE.

Wake up, if you live in or near a small town that still has a local restaurant, grocery store, hardware store, shoe store, or any other small business...get out and support them!  Tell them how much the services they provide make a difference...tell your friends to do the same...be proud of your "HOME TOWN!"  Support your Church too, if you don't have one...attend one, you might be pleasantly surprised and please don't ever wear pajama pants to church.

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